发布时间:2018-09-19 07:29:25
Otis Electric awarded Chengdu Metro Line 5 and 18 projects 奥的斯机电中标成都地铁5号线、18号线 Chengdu, China, August XX, 2018 - Winning the contract to provide more than 400 elevators and escalators for Chengdu Metro Line 5 and Line 18, Otis Electric has reinforced its position as a key escalator and elevator provider to Chengdu city’s metro network, with a total of 800 units either installed or on order. 中国,成都——(2018年8月)奥的斯机电与成都地铁的合作再次迈上新台阶。奥的斯机电日前宣布,先后中标成都地铁5号线、18号线,共为这 两个项目提供电扶梯超过400台。随着这两笔订单的达成,奥的斯机电累计向成都地铁提供的电扶梯总量也将突破800台大关,跻身成都地铁重要的电扶梯供应商。 “The award of the Line 5 and 18 projects represents of a new milestone for Otis Electric as we will be serving Chengdu Metro with more than 800 units, a testimony of Otis Electric as a preferred choice,” Lawrence Chui, President of Otis Electric said. “Otis Electric currently provides products and services to around half of the cities in the country that h***e opened metro networks. We are actively supporting infrastructure building and growing urbanization.” “累计合作超过800台电扶梯设备,是奥的斯机电与成都地铁深化合作的见证,也是我们对‘致力于服务中国城市基础建设’承诺的实践。”奥的斯机电总裁朱康正表示,“目前在***已开通轨道交通的城市中,奥的斯机电设备和服务的覆盖率约占一半。未来,奥的斯机电愿通过可靠的产品和服务,积极参与到更多城市的基础设施建设项目中,让大家体验到***的出行体验和***的服务。” Chengdu Metro Line 5 is the seventh metro line in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province. Set to come into service in 2020, Line 18 will connect downtown Chengdu to the city’s airport. 成都地铁5号线是成都市第七条地铁线路。成都地铁18号线则是连接成都市区与机场的快线,亦是成都道路规划的重要线路,预计2020年投入运营。 Otis Electric has been supporting infrastructure projects in China with equipment and service covering airports, transit networks and rail stati*** in more than 20 cities. 多年来,奥的斯机电积极推动中国的基础设施建设,产品和设备已经累计覆盖了中国二十余个城市的机场、火车站和轨道交通项目。 About Otis Electric Otis Electric, a sub-brand of Otis, was introduced to China in January 2016. Otis Electric is supported by manufacturing facilities in Hangzhou and Chongqing, as well as an accredited testing laboratory, and over 300 branches and service depots across China. With strong capabilities to deploy the advanced technologies in products and services, Otis Electric is dedicated to satisfying customer needs, especially in the residential, commercial and public infrastructure segments. 奥的斯机电 奥的斯机电是奥的斯旗下的品牌,于2016年1月引入中国。奥的斯机电拥有雄厚的技术支持,包括杭州和重庆两大制造基地支持、通过“中国***认证认可监督管理***会”认证的实验室、数百个遍布***的***、***以及服务网点。通过整合产品和服务平台的***技术,奥的斯机电致力于满足不同领域的客户需求,尤其为住宅、商业建筑和公共设施领域客户提供***的解决方案。
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